The current moment in theatrical research helped the rediscovery of the classical tradition of south Asian dance-theatre and its huge influence on the contemporary western scene. The institute, founded in 1981 by guru Maya Dhar Raut from Bharatiya Kala Kendra and Renzo Vescovi, promotes various initiatives to spread the knowledge of theatre, music and dance in the eastern tradition. It collaborates with an International Scientific Committee formed by artists, researchers and oriental and occidental institutions the guarantee the cultural and artistic-spectacular value of the shows. Since 2011 the institute collaborates steadily with the Mohan Khokar Award (Bangalore) that every year awards the best young emerging dancer in the various forms of Indian dance-theatre. So far, IXO promoted hundreds of oriental scenic culture events: single shows and monographic retrospectives, special projects, concerts, exhibitions, movies, videos, publications for meetings, inter-university laboratories, congresses. Between all of IXO’s activities we can list the pedagogical ones (stage, courses, seminars), lectures cum demonstration and the actual classic eastern dance performances presented by TTB actors who run the organizational side of IXO.

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/ East-West

“IXO is the most important cultural centre of study and practice of eastern theatre, the only one that takes seriously the now popular asian cultureâ€. La Repubblica |