GROUP THEATRE DRAMATURGY TTB plans its actor to plan its theatre and elaborates tools and guidelines of the project in the making: it’s pure ...
research, at the crossroads of, enterprise, initiation process, knowledge itinerary. The actor’s pedagogy is its tool and at the same time its purpose. Education is one with the production. The process circularity of the Group’s activity allows learning to be conceived as in the old times art workshops, something that involves, at different levels but with the same passion, teachers and students. The so called studentship thus becomes a process of reciprocal knowledge,integration and adaptation, more than simply sharing knowledge, with a huge (emotional, human, professional) investment towards the new students. An experience that challenges the Group and its members every time. And every other time it redefines their identity.
TTB’S EXPERIENCE After meeting the oriental masters invited by Eugenio Barba to the Atelier Internazionale del Teatro di Gruppo in Bergamo (1977),...
TTB starts its research on Indian and Balinese dance-theatre, and afterwards with the Beijing Opera. Since 1978, actors from the Tascabile theatre go regularly to the East to specialize in various Indian disciplines, specifically Bharata Natyam, Orissi, Kathakali e Kuchipudi. Contextually, in the last 40 years TTB had a remarkable role in promoting classic Indian theatre, organizing and promoting tours in Europe for great masters and dancers through the foundation of IXO - Istituto di Cultura Scenica Orientale.For TTB the relationship with India is the logical development of its need for scientific knowledge, for technical-practical acquisition, for a logical solution to the problem of the theoretical and formal basis of its work. The eastern example was recommended since the beginning of the 20th century by the great theatre masters as a way of complete renewal and as a new art. Through Indian dance TTB created what Renzo Vescovi called “the lyrical actor” and “the nameless actor”.
TTB meeting India was fundamental from the point of view of exploring a new branch of theatrical knowledge and also for creating a new mental horizon, made of shared memories, technical terms, knowledge, affection, ideals and values, as it’s documented on the working diaries of its director Renzo Vescovi and its actors.